Welcome to Tennis in Ajax

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PLEASE NOTE - MOST OF OUR HOUSE LEAGUES/SOCIALS QUICKLY FILL UP, SO PLEASE REGISTER EARLY TO ENSURE YOU AREN'T DISAPPOINTED.  We will be holding try outs to ensure all our members get into the right level of activity.  Check out the OTA's Self Rating guide by clicking here, OTA_Rating_Guide.pdf we will use this guide during our tryouts in April.  Also check out our Tryout procedures for leagues (click here).

PS: Our Leagues and Socials are all  underway, if you have registered after May 1st please contact the coordinator listed for each Social.  Thursday night Social is full and only Subs are being added at this time.

Social Tennis

The following Social Tennis programs are included with your membership, including balls

Monday Morning ADULT Mixed Social Drop In

9:30 - NOON

Monday morning is a casual mixed social drop in 0930-12, All levels are welcome... beginners are encouraged.  Our coordinator is Chi Nguyen (chihangle@yahoo.ca

Tuesday Evening LADIES AND MEN'S Drop In Social

7:00 - 10:00PM

Tuesday evening is Ladies and Men's Doubles Drop In Social, where you will be paired up for 30 min sessions, for all levels and beginners are encouraged.  Limited to 45 players.  Our coordinator is Jennifer Jackson (jenjaxon@live.com)  

Thursday Morning 55 Plus House League

9:30 - Noon

Our Thursday morning 55+ house league is for A and B (Intermediate) skill level and above and runs from 9:30 AM -Noon at  Ajax Tennis Club courts.

Our Coordinator is Howard Carter (carterhj@me.com) and Frank Cooper (fbcooper@sympatico.ca

Thursday Evening Progressive House League

7:00 - 10:00PM

Our Thursday evening house league is for A and B players and runs from 7:00PM - 10:00PM.  Limited to first 45 members.  Our Coordinator is Carlton Watson (clloydwatson@gmail.com)

Friday Morning ADULT Mixed Social

9:30 - NOON

Friday morning is a casual mixed social drop-in from  9:30 - Noon, all levels welcome and beginners are encouraged.  Our coordinator is Kim Grahame (kim.grahame@icloud.com)

Friday Evening Adult/Junior Plus Mixed Social

7:00 - 10:00PM

Our Friday evenings are a fun family time with adults playing with junior plus members for all skill levels 7:00PM - 10 PM, Our Coordinator is Claudia Nembhard (nemb26@gmail.com)


Competitive teams may require a tryout (see process below) and travel within Durham or the GTA.  Our teams have been chosen for this summer!

Click here to download our competitive team selection process and our Rating System

PS: Our League teams have been selected, if you have registered after May 1st please contact the Team Captain if you would like to be considered for the team.  Players can only be added to a team until the end of July.

Monday Evening Durham "B" Competitive League

7:00 - 11:00PM

The Durham "B" team is a competitive inter club league for B players, tryouts and travel are required, and our Captain Tony Maione


Tuesday Morning Ladies Durham Competitive League

10:00 - Noon

This is a competitive doubles play for A/B/C level players, we have two teams and our Captains are Ajax 1 - Jean Kumar and Ajax 2 Aida Susanto

(jeankumar18@gmail.com and aidatriana@yahoo.ca)

Wednesday Morning Ladies Inter County Competitive League

9:30 - Noon

This is a competitive doubles play for A/B level players, and our Captain Lyn Capps


Wednesday Evening Durham "A" Competitive League

7:00 - 11:00PM

The Durham "A" team is a competitive inter club league for A players and our Captain is Steve Koitsopolus


Wednesday Evening Durham "C" Competitive League

7:00 - 11:00PM

The Durham "C" team is a competitive inter club league for C players and our Captain Annie Marquez


All Leagues and Social Tennis can be signed up for during our online registration process (accessed from the HOME tab) and are included with the price of membership.  Some activities may require a tryout.

Ajax Tennis Club (located behind the Ajax Community Centre)

75 Centennial Rd. Ajax, Ontario L1S 4S4

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